I like to write. I like to be well. I like to be outdoors.

These three things are unified in this blog where I write about being outdoors, access to nature and the huge positive impacts these have on physical and mental wellbeing.

Stress Busting Nature Doses

Stress Busting Nature Doses

A year ago I wrote a blog for this site talking about how I managed stress with time in the great outdoors. Fast forward to this spring and life is unrecognisable for everyone.

Fully Immersed, Fully Alive

Fully Immersed, Fully Alive

“You must be mad!” is the most common response I receive when I tell people I swim in the Irish Sea all year. A lot of the time I just smile and nod.

Notes from the Nest

Notes from the Nest

As I’ve spent more time in nature over the last couple of years, I’ve started to see the lessons we can take from it, lessons writ large.

Feel The Cold and Do It Anyway

Feel The Cold and Do It Anyway

Anyone who has followed me on instagram over the past couple of years will be familiar with my cold water antics. Some would say madness. But I digress.

Why Being Outside is Good for the Planet

Why Being Outside is Good for the Planet

The focus of Wellderness is on people. Making people feel better through time spent in nature. Making the world a better place because the people in it are happier.

Coming Home to the Woods

Coming Home to the Woods

Growing up in this part of the world, I had the best playground. There are plenty of grainy photos of me poking around under stones to find insects or making a mess in the mud.

Skytime Over Screentime

Skytime Over Screentime

I have a love/hate relationship with screens. My other half would say I have an unhealthy relationship with them. And that’s probably true. As it is for most people.